On the afternoon of May 21, StephenBrammer, Dean of Business School, Philomena Leung, Deputy Dean of BusinessSchool, Stephen Fan, Deputy Director of International Department of MacquarieUniversity visited the Central University of Finance and Economics andexchanged views with the Vice President Haitao MA on the cooperation betweentwo universities. Xiaoyan ZHANG, Director of the International CooperationOffice, Xueyong ZHANG, Deputy Dean of the Graduate School, Jianjun LI, Dean ofthe School of Finance, Rui CHEN, Assistant to Dean of the School of Finance,and Ying ZHANG, International Affairs Officer of the School of Finance alsoattended the meeting.
Vice President Haitao MA first welcomedthe arrival of Dean Stephen Brammer and his colleagues and gave a briefintroduction to the CUFE. President MA pointed out that CUFE, aimed at becominga world-class university, is committed to the implementation of an internationaldevelopment strategy, cooperating with the world-class universities in thefield of advantageous disciplines to promote the construction of first-classdisciplines. President MA also expressed willingness to cooperate withMacquarie University in the cultivation of talents, exchange visits between teachingstaffs, and academic research.
Dean Stephen Brammer thanked VicePresident MA for his hospitality and briefed the situation of MacquarieUniversity. He said that Macquarie University is vigorously developing itsinternational strategy and attaches importance to the internationalization ofuniversity. Therefore, he expected to cooperate with the Central University ofFinance and Economics. Macquarie University is globally well-known for itsbusiness subjects, including financial, actuarial Science and accounting, allof which rank among the top 100 subjects in the world according to QS.Macquarie University Business School is one of Australia's top business schoolsand is a global leader in business management related programs.

Left: Dean Stephen Brammer Right:Vice President Haitao MA
Dean Stephen and Vice Present MAcommunicated on the Chinese-foreign cooperative education programs, joint-cultivationof talents and cooperation in scientific research. They both stated that theywill promote in-depth cooperation between the two universities, especially in carryingout the Chinese-foreign cooperative education programs with the School ofFinance of CUFE. They also negotiated the details of the cooperation andreached a preliminary consensus.

Photo of Two Groups