On May 25, 2019, the “2019 FinancialRisk and Supervision” academic seminar was successfully held at Room 604 the AcademicHall, in the City Campus of CUFE. The seminar was co-sponsored by the School ofFinance of the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), the Center forInternational Finance Studies of CUFE, the Belt & Road Finance Institute ofCUFE, and the “Financial Risk and Supervision” Young Scholars Forum.
More than 50 people attended theseminar. Present are Professor Ye GUO, Director of Finance Department of Schoolof Economics at Xiamen University, Professor Zihui YANG, Associate Dean of theResearch Institute of Advanced Finance at Sun Yat-Sen University, Yongfu CAO, AssociateResearcher at the Editorial Department of the World Economy, Researcher ZhentaoYIN, Director of the Law and Finance Department of the Institute of Finance atChinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Zhongwen TONG from the School ofBusiness at Anhui University of Technology, Associate Professor Guang YANG fromthe School of Economics at Nankai University, Associate Professor Daoping WANG fromthe School of Finance at Nankai University, Researcher Qiyue XIONG andResearcher Yi HAO from the Center for International Finance Studies of Bank ofChina, Assistant Professor Minghui LI from the Faculty of Economics andManagement at East China Normal University, Assistant Professor Chong LIU from Schoolof Finance of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Assistant ProfessorYonghui LIAN from Capital University of Economics and Business, ResearcherChaoran PANG from the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, ProfessorZhi SU, Executive Deputy Director of the Joint Data Research Center of CUFE andUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology, Professor Xiangli LIU, AssociateProfessor Qin GOU, Associate Professor Yi FANG, Assistant Professor Kunyu TAO,Assistant Professor Cong XIA from the School of Finance of CUFE and theAssistant Professor Naijing HUANG, Assistant to the Dean of the School ofEconomics at CUFE. The Seminar was hosted by Professor Hui WANG, Deputy Party Secretaryof the School of Finance, and Yongfu CAO, Associate Researcher of the EditorialDepartment of the World Economy.

At the Seminar

Professor Xiaofen TAN, DeputyDean of the School of Finance, gave a welcome speech
Professor Xiaofen TAN, the Deputy Deanof the School of Finance of the Central University of Finance and Economics,gave a welcome speech. ProfessorXiaofen TAN expressed warm welcomes to the guests, and express thanks to theguests and their institutions for the support to the construction of disciplinesat the School of Finance. He emphasized that the topics discussed in thisseminar hold very important academic value and practical significance.

Professor Hui WANG, Deputy PartySecretary of the School of Finance, hostedthe seminar

Yongfu CAO, Associate Researcherof the Editorial Department of the World Economy, hosted the seminar
Professor Zihui YANG gave a speech on “Researchon Macroeconomic Operations and Systematic Financial Risk Contagion”.

Professor Zihui YANG
ProfessorYe GUO gave a speech on “Shadow Bank, Bank Individual Risk and Systemic Risk underthe New Regulations towards Asset Management”.

Professor Ye GUO

Professor Zhi SU
Professor Zhongwen TONG gave a speech on“The Challenge of Systematic Financial Risk Identification and Prevention”.

Professor Zhongwen TONG
Associate Professor Guang YANG gave a speechon “Can R&D Incentive Policies Mitigate the Bubbles of Enterprises’ StockPrices? - Based on the Analysis of the List of National Enterprise TechnologyCenters”.
Associate Professor Daoping WANG gave aspeech on “China’s Systematic Liquidity Risk: Measurement and MacroprudentialSupervision”.
Researcher Yi HAO gave a speech on “Researchon the Structural Change of Local Government Debt Maturity and the Mitigationof Macroeconomic Risks”.

Associate Professor Guang YANG(upper left), Associate Professor Daoping WANG (upper right), Researcher Yi HAO(bottom left) and Assistant Professor Cong XIA (bottom right)
Assistant Professor Yonghui LIAN gave aspeech on “Financialization of Industrial Enterprises, Shadow Banking and theIts Management”.
Assistant Professor Minghui LI gave a speechon “Incentive Plan of Banks’ Executives and Liquidity Improvement”.
Assistant Professor Chong LIU gave aspeech on “the Wresting of StrictRegulators and the Expansion of Shadow Banking”.

Assistant Professor Yonghui LIAN(upper left), Associate Professor Qin GOU (upper right), Assistant ProfessorMinghui LI (bottom left) and Assistant Professor Liu Chong (bottom right)
In the end, the convener of the seminar,Associate Professor Yi FANG, summed up the seminar. He thanked the experts andscholars for their wonderful speeches and expressed expectations for the nextseminar. Subsequently, Associate Professor Yi FANG announced the successfulconclusion of the seminar.

Group Photo