On May 25, 2019, the 10th “ChinaFinancial Education Forum” was held in Zhangjiang, Shanghai. The theme of theforum was “
First-class Course Course Construction and Teaching Reform in Finance”. Theforum was co-sponsored by the School of Finance of CUFE, the Financial andEconomic Higher Education Branch of China Association of Higher Education andthe School of Finance of the Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting andFinance. It was hosted by the School of Finance of Shanghai Lixin University ofAccounting and Finance. Worked as support units and sponsor partners are theeditorial departments of “Economic Research Journal”, “Journal of Finance andEconomics”, “Studies of International Finance” and “Financial Forum”, Higher EducationPress and Map Network Technology. More than 200 experts and scholars from morethan 60 universities and institutions across the country participated in theforum.
At the opening ceremony, Hailong LI, Deputy Secretary General of theFinancial and Economic Higher Education Branch of China Association of HigherEducation, and Yabing ZHU, Vice President of Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, deliveredwelcome speeches. Hailong LI spoke highly of the contribution made by the ChinaFinancial Education Forum and looked forward to the full use of the platformset up by the conference, to strengthen communication and dialogue, to deepencooperation, and to unite the wisdom and intelligence. Yabing ZHU introducedthe development of Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. Hehopes that, at this forum, experts could analyse the latest developments statusand trends in the setup of high-quality financial courses, the reform ofteaching methods and research of green intelligent finance, and could contributetheir insights to jointly promote the development of China's financialeducation.

WelcomeSpeeches Given by Hailong LI and Yabing ZHU
After the opening ceremony, the forumheld the launching ceremony of the “First-class Courses Alliance for Financial Education of Chinese Universities”. Under the guidance of the Finance Teaching AdvisoryBoard under the Ministry of Education, the alliance was launched jointly by 18institutions including the Higher Education Press, Central University ofFinance and Economics, Fudan University, Nankai University, Xiamen University,Wuhan University, Hunan University, Shandong University, University ofInternational Business and Economics, Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Southwestern Universityof Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, ShandongUniversity of Finance and Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance andEconomics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Lixin Universityof Accounting and Finance and the Financial and Economic Higher EducationBranch of China Association of Higher Education. Jianjun LI, the Dean of theSchool of Finance of CUFE and the Secretary General of the Finance TeachingAdvisory Board under the Ministry of Education, served as the chairman of the alliance.

Thelaunching ceremony of the “First-class Courses Alliance for Financial Education of Chinese Universities”
In the first phase of the morning sessionof the keynote speech, Qing WANG, Cheung Kong Scholar and Director of the Instituteof Chinese Finance Studies of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,made a report on “Credit Account Leverage, Investor Behaviour and Stock Market Stability”.Through theoretical analysis and empirical studies with a large amount of data,he analyses the behaviour characteristics of financing traders, the performanceof investment strategies, and the impact of financing transactions on marketstability. Weiwei JIA, Standing Director of the China Association of HigherEducation and Vice-Chairman and Secretary General of the Digital CurriculumResources Construction Research Branch, reported on the topic “DigitalCurriculum Resources Construction and Application: Current Situation, Problemsand Countermeasures——the Study Based on Questionnaire Survey and Academic Analysisof College Teachers and Students”. He detailed the results of the digital curriculum resourceconstruction and its application in survey, and proposed countermeasures andsuggestions based on digital curriculum resource construction and applicationresearch.

Keynote Report
In the second phase of the morning sessionof the keynote speech, Jianjun LI, Secretary General of the Finance TeachingAdvisory Board under the Ministry of Education and Dean of the School ofFinance of CUFE, gave a report on the theme “Thoughts on the Construction ofFirst-class Undergraduate Majors in Finance”. Erdong ZHAO, Professor from theSchool of Economics and Management of North China Electric Power University andthe Leader of the National Boutique Open Online Courses, gave a report on the “Constructionand Application of Mixed Learning Model Based on EducationInformationization——Taking the National Boutique Course ‘Management Communication’as an Example”. Lili ZHANG, director of the Research Center for International Business at YunnanUniversity of Finance and Economics, gave a report on the theme of “Trump’s NewPolicy and Sino-US Trade Friction from the perspective of internationaleconomics. Based on the pictures and developmental path, she analyzes Trump'snew policy foundation as well as the reasons and countermeasures of Sino-US TradeFriction.

Keynote Report
In the afternoon,a series of parallel sub-forum discussions were held, including a deansymposium, an academic sub-forum, and a teaching and research sub-forum.

Sub-forum Discussions
The closing ceremony of the forum wasalso held in the afternoon. The ceremony was hosted by Jinlu GUO, the deputydirector of Economics and Management branch of the Higher Education Press.Representatives from each sub-forum presented and communicated at the ceremony,and award-winning papers of the forum were announced and awarded.

Awardingthe Prize-winning papers at the forum
Established by the Financial andEconomic Higher Education Branch of China Association of Higher Education in2010, the “China Financial Education Forum” is a platform for the communicationamong universities and colleges regarding the financial education and teaching.Each forum is closely related to the trending themes, and strives to contributeto the development of China's finance through the forum, integrating ideas fromall sides. The forum has been successfully held in Urumqi, Kunming, Beijing,Dalian, Guangzhou, Nanchang, Shanghai, Ningbo and Hangzhou. The participating institutionsinclude professional cultivating centers of financial talents in more than 60colleges and universities across the country. The 10th “ChinaFinancial Education Forum” brought together many authoritative experts and academicelites. There are more than 60 colleges and universities from all over thecountry and nearly 200 people attending the conference. This forum provides agreat opportunity for academic communications and thoughts collision offinancial experts. Besides, it provides a display and communication platform forthe setup of financial golden courses, professional certification, and greenintelligent financial frontier research. It also promotes the development, communicationsand cooperation of the specialty construction of finance discipline at CUFE.

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