On the afternoon of May 18th,the fifth seminar of the CUFE-Tilburg PhD Finance Program – “Corporate Financeand Financial Technology Seminar” was successfully held by the School ofFinance in the 302 lecture hall on the 3rd floor of CUFE Tower. During theseminar, professors gave wonderful speeches on their papers respectively.Professors who presented at the seminar are Professor Xiaolei LIU from GuanghuaSchool of Management in Peking University, Bo LI, assistant professor at PBCSF ofTsinghua University, Xiaoran NI, assistant professor from the Wang YananInstitute for Studies in Economics of Xiamen University, Wu ZHU, Ph.D. studentof the University of Pennsylvania, and as well as associate professors from theSchool of Finance at CUFE, Fuwei JIANG, and Xian GU. Following thepresentations of papers are comments from other professors attending theseminar. Professor Yunsen CHEN from the School of Accounting of CUFE, Jia CHEN,Assistant Professor of Guanghua School of Management in Peking University,Tianyu WANG, Assistant Professor from the School of Economics and Management atTsinghua University, Cong XIA, Assistant Professor of the School of Finance at CUFE,and Wu ZHU, Ph.D. student of the University of Pennsylvania, commented on thecorresponding papers. The seminar was hosted by Professor Xiaofen TAN, the ViceDean of the School of Finance at CUFE. More than 80 people from CUFE and otheruniversities attended the seminar.

At the Seminar
Professor Xiaolei LIU gave a keynotespeech on “Political Cycle and Corporate Investment”.

Professor Xiaolei LIU
Associate Professor Fuwei JIANG gave aspeech entitled “Adjusting Principal Component Analysis: A New Method ofDimensionality Reduction”

Associate Professor Fuwei JIANGand Ph.D. student Wu ZHU
Associate Professor Xian GU gave aspeech on “Political Relations and Global Capital Market Financing: Evidencefrom Yankee Bonds”.

Associate Professor Xian GU andAssistant Professor Jia CHEN
Assistant Professor Bo LI gave a speechon “China’s Anti-Corruption Reform and the Reallocation of Credits from State-OwnedEnterprises to Non-State-Owned Enterprises”.

Assistant Professor Bo LI andCong XIA
Ph.D. student Wu ZHU gave a speech on “InternalCapital Markets and the Transmission of Credit Shocks: Evidence from ChineseEnterprises”.

Ph.D. student Wu ZHU andAssistant Professor Tianyu WANG
Assistant Professor Xiaoran NI gave a speechon “Employment Protection and Taxation Tendency”.

Assistant Professor Xiaoran NI andPrefessor Yunsen CHEN
As the only Chinese-foreign cooperativedoctoral program approved by the Ministry of Education, “CUFE-Tilburg Ph.D.Finance Program” has already held five Expert Forums and five Academic Seminars.In the future, the program will continue to hold high-quality academic seminarsfor teachers and students to improve the academic level, academic ability andinnovation ability of doctoral students.