On May 17, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission published the list of High-grade, Precision and Advanced Disciplines Constructions in Beijing universities. The ‘Financial Security Engineering’ discipline, applied by the School of Finance, was selected as oneof the High-grade, Precision and Advanced Disciplines. The day before, Jianjun LI,Dean of the School of Finance, attended the work conference for theconstruction of High-grade, Precision and Advanced Disciplines held by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission.
The main goal of the High-grade, Precision and Advanced Disciplines ConstructionProgram is to select a batch of sophisticated disciplines among Beijing universities to carry out key constructions. It strives, through two or threecycles, to promote the adjustment and optimization of the discipline layoutstructure of Beijing universities, promote the further integration and development of disciplines, form a group of international or domestic first-classfeatured disciplines and emerge frontier interdisciplinary disciplines, betterserving for the “four centers” urban positioning strategy and the constructionof a world-class harmonious and livable city.
It is reported that CUFE will continue supporting the emerging discipline team of “FinancialSecurity Engineering” in their efforts to keep up with the first-class goal,adhere to the connotation construction, and provide higher quality talentguarantee and scientific and technological support for the economic and socialdevelopment of Beijing and the country.
At the same time, the School of Finance at CUFE will take this opportunity toimplement the emerging interdisciplinary disciplines’ construction plan, focuson strengthening the communication and integration of different disciplines,explore major needs of the country and society and keep up with the frontiersof academic development, promoting the construction of “double first-class” toa more efficient, featured and high-quality level.