On the afternoonof May 9th, 2019, professor Jianjun LI, Dean of School of Finance, met with ProfessorTom Smith, Dean of Department of Applied Finance in Business School ofMacquarie university, Australia, and Dr. Zheyao Pan. Professor Xiaofen TAN, ViceDean of the School of Finance, Associate Professor Rui CHEN and International AffairsOfficer Ying ZHANG also attended the meeting. The meeting mainly conductedin-depth discussions on the upcoming cooperation projects between the twouniversities and reached a high level of consensus on various issues, laying thefoundation for the implementation of follow-up projects.

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Foundedin 1964, Macquarie University is a public research university located inSydney, New South Wales, Australia, and the third university in themetropolitan area of Sydney. The school is named after the Governor LachlanMacquarie, known as the Father of Australia. Its high-quality teaching andresearch standards have been awarded the 5-Star Identification by the QSWORLDUNIVERSITY RANKINGS in eight items. Macquarie university is one of the mostenterprising universities in Australia. It is renowned for its first-classteaching and innovative spirit. It is also the first university in Australia tooffer actuarial courses. Macquarie University is well known in the world forits business programs including finance, actuarial science and accounting, allof which are among the top 100 QS majors in the world. Macquarie University BusinessSchool is one of Australia’s top business schools and is a global leader inbusiness management related programs.