On April 27, 2019, the 2nd "China FinancialTechnology Frontier Forum", co-sponsored by the Central University ofFinance and Economics and Payment & Clearing Association of China, was heldin the Academic Hall 202 of the Central University of Finance and Economics.Morethan 200 people participated in the forum, discussing"The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Finance", including morethan 30 speakers, such as Dongrong LI, former Vice President ofthe People's Bank of China and President of National Internet FinanceAssociation Of China, Guangnan NI, Academician of the Chinese Academy ofEngineering and Researcher of the Institute of Computing Technology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Suzhen WANG, Deputy Secretary-General of the Payment &Clearing Association of China, Yaoqi WANG, President of the Central Universityof Finance and Economics, Li LIAO, Executive Vice President of PBC School ofFinance and President of the Financial Technology Institute, TsinghuaUniversity,Panshi JIN, Information Directorof China Construction Bank, Zuojun FAN, Vice President of Guangxi University, DongYANG, Vice Dean of Law School of Renmin University of China, Chong CHEN,President of CIB FINTECH, Xuyang ZHANG, Vice President of Du Xiaoman Financial,and Jianjun LI, Dean of School of Finance of Central University of Finance and Economics.Experts and scholars from domestic universities, scientific researchinstitutions, financial institutions and news media, and teachers and studentsof CUFE also attended the forum. This forum was supported by PartnersFinancial Croup,ZhonghairongTechnology Co., Ltd. andBeijingInnovation Industry Investment Co., Ltd.
Yaoqi WANG, President of Central University ofFinance and Economics, and Suzhen WANG, Deputy Secretary-General of the Payment& Clearing Association of China, delivered welcome speeches. The speech sessionwas hosted by Jianping SHI, Vice President of Central University of Finance andEconomics. President Yaoqi WANG expressed warm welcome to the participants. Shepointed out that under the current wave of new technological revolution, theintegration of technology and finance has given birth to a variety of new financialstatus, financial products and business models, promoted the development of thefinancial industry, and led to new demands and challenges towards the cultivationof financial and economic talents. In recent years, the Central University ofFinance and Economics has actively explored personnel training and academicresearch of financial technology. CUFE has set up the new Financial Technology Programand established a joint laboratory for Financial Technology Innovation, focusingon building a highland of financial technology education and a high-level intelligentplatform.

Welcome Speech
Left: YaoqiWANG, Middle: Suzhen WANG, Right: Jianping SHI
Two keynote speech sessions were held in themorning, In the first session,Dongrong LI,former Vice President of the People's Bank of China and President of NationalInternet Finance Association Of China, gave a speech entitled "Actively andSteadily Promoting the Integration and Development of Finance and Artificial Intelligence".He made an in-depth analysis of the significance of the development offinancial technology, the role of financial technology in deepening thestructural financial reform from the supply side and in setting the developmentstrategy of national artificial intelligence, and the important principles offinancial technology development.LiLIAO, Executive Vice President of PBC School of Finance and President of theFinancial Technology Institute, Tsinghua University, gave a keynote speech on"Financial Technology: Latest Development and Supervision". He introducedthe current development situation of financial technology and discussed how theregulatory authorities should scientifically supervise financial technologyactivities.Panshi JIN, Information Directorof China Construction Bank, introduced the exploration and practice of ChinaConstruction Bank in the field of financial technology. The speeches above werehosted by Zuojun FAN, Vice President of Guangxi University.

Keynote Speech
Upper Left: Dongrong LI, Upper Right: LiLIAO, Lower Left: Panshi JIN, Lower Right: Zuojun FAN
In the second session of keynote speech, Dong YANG,Vice President of Law School of Renmin University of China, introduced the lateststatus and future development trends of financial technology from theperspective of legal system.Chong CHEN,President of CIB FINTECH, delivered a keynote speech titled "Simplificationand Intellectualization -- Innovating Practices of RPA Process Robot in CIBFINTECH ".Xuyang ZHANG,Vice President of Du Xiaoman Financial, delivered a keynote speech entitled "NewFinancial Ecology under Artificial Intelligence". The above keynote speechwas hosted by Zhi SU, Executive Deputy Director of the Joint Data ResearchCenter built by Central University of Finance and Economics & University ofElectronic Science and Technology of China.

Keynote Speech
Upper Left: DongYANG, Upper Right: Chong CHEN, Lower Left: Xuyang ZHANG, Lower Right: Zhi SU
In the afternoon, two parallel keynote speeches weregiven on the topics of "Innovation and Development of Financial Technology"and "Venture Capital in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence ".
In the keynote speech of "Innovation andDevelopment of Financial Technology", Jingwei HE, Chairman of BeijingInnovation Industry Investment Co., Ltd., gave a keynote speech entitled "theInnovation and Development of Technology and Finance Promotes the Transformationand Upgrading of State-owned Enterprises". Dawei LIU, Senior Vice Presidentof CreditEase, introduced the current situation and prospects of digitalfinance and introduced the digital financial practice of CreditEase. Xiaoxing LIU,Director of Finance Major of School of Economic and Management and Director ofFinancial Safety Big Data Laboratory of Southeast University, delivered akeynote speech entitled "Drives of Financial Technology Innovation andReal Economy Development in the New Era". Wang YANG, Executive Dean ofHande Fintech and Senior Researcher of the FinTech Institute of RenminUniversity of China, delivered a keynote speech on"Developmentof Financial Technology and Its Driving Mechanism". The speeches abovewere hosted by Chengsi ZHANG, Vice President of School of The School of Financeof Renmin University of China.

Keynote Speech on "Innovation and Developmentof Financial Technology"
Top Left: Jingwei HE, Bottom Left: DaweiLIU, Top Right: Xiaoxing LIU, Middle Right: Wang YANG, Bottom Right: ChengsiZHANG
In the keynote speech of "Venture Capital inFinancial Technology and Artificial Intelligence", Yongqiang DENG, thepartner of Innoangel Fund and the partner of Prometheus Blockchain Laboratory, gavea speech on "Blockchain Empowers Real Economy". Through the keynotespeech of "Digital Economy and Application Ecology of Blockchain",Shuo DI, the Executive Vice Director of Tsinghua University-Arxan BlockchainJoint Research Center and CTO of Beijing Arxan Fintech, introduced the basicknowledge of Blockchain, and also introduced Beijing Arxan Blockchain AllianceTechnology Co., Ltd. Dongmin LIU, Deputy Researcher of Institute of WorldEconomics and Politics, and Director of International Finance ResearchDepartment, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered a keynote speechentitled "Block Chain, Digital Economy and Financial Innovation". Theabove keynote speech was hosted by Yong LIU, Dean of Zhongguancun InternetFinance Institute and Secretary-General of the China Internet Finance 30 Forum.

Keynote Speech on "Venture Capital inFinancial Technology and Artificial Intelligence”
Upper Left: Yongqiang DENG, Upper Right:Shuo DI, Lower Left: Dongmin LIU, Lower Right: Yong LIU
Next, Guangnan NI, Academician of the ChineseAcademy of Engineering and Researcher at the Institute of Computing Technologyof the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a keynote speech on the topic “implementingthe Spirit of '4.19 Speech' And Striving toBuild a Powerful Network Country”. The keynote speech was hosted by Jianjun LI,Dean of the School of Finance of Central University of Finance and Economics. AcademicianNI thoroughly interpreted the spirit of General Secretary Xi's "4.19Speech", and deeply interpreted the importance of the development ofChina's network information and Core-High-Base, and emphasized the urgency of achievingbreakthroughs in key core technologies in these fields to achieve the goal ofbuilding up China’s cyber strength.

Keynote speechby Guangnan NI, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering andResearcher of the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy ofSciences
In the end, the conference held two parallel roundtablediscussions on the topics of "The Opportunities and Challenges ofArtificial Intelligence to the Financial Industry " and "Financial TechnologyEducation and Talent Cultivation".
The first roundtable discussion was hosted byXiaofen TAN, Deputy Dean of School of Finance of Central University of Financeand Economics. Qilin LI, Chief Economist of Lianyun Securities, Zhiyong SHEN,Deputy General Manager of CMG Fintech, Xueshi BAI, Head of Allocation StrategyDepartment of Sunshine Insurance Asset Management Company, Liansheng ZHENG, DeputyDirector and Deputy Researcher of Research Center for Financial Law andRegulation, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and other experts discussedseveral topics such as how to use technology to promote inclusive finance, themacro wrestling of digital currency, the impact of financial technology on banksand the countermeasures of banks.

Roundtable Forum on "TheOpportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence to the FinancialIndustry"
From Left to Right: Xiaofen TAN, ZhiyongSHEN, Qilin LI, Xueshi BAI, Liansheng ZHENG
The second round table discussion was hosted by Qi LIANG,Director of the Social Science Research Management Department of NankaiUniversity and Deputy Director of Collaborative Innovation Center for ChinaEconomy. Zhuo HUANG, Deputy Director of Institute of Digital Finance, PekingUniversity, Rihui OUYANG, Deputy Dean of China Center for Internet EconomyResearch of Central University of Finance and Economics, Zhichao YIN, Dean of Instituteof Finance of Capital University of Economics and Business, Xueyong ZHANG, DeputyDean of the Graduate School of Central University of Finance and Economics, andother experts discussed the topic of financial technology research andeducation.

Roundtable Forum on "Financial TechnologyEducation and Talent Cultivation"
Top Left: Xueyong ZHANG, Bottom Left: ZhichaoYIN, Top Right: Zhuo HUANG, Middle Right: Rihui OUYANG, Bottom Right: Qi LIANG

A Group Photo of Some Participants
Asthe cooperative media of this forum, Netease, Sina and China Social SciencesNetwork made timely reported on this forum.
NetEase: http://3g.163.com/local/article/EDRPR7UQ04098FC3.html
Sina Finance :https://finance.sina.com.cn/money/bank/bank_hydt/2019-04-29/doc-ihvhiqax5651849.shtml?cref=cj
China Social Science Network: http://ex.cssn.cn/zx/bwyc/201904/t20190428_4871252.shtml