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Yan Lili

Published:2015-04-29  Views:


Contact Information


ŸSchool of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, Shahe Higher Education Park, Changping DistrictBeijing, 102206  


ŸPhone:  +8610 62289466  




Research Area/Interests


ŸInternational Finance, Monetary Policy  


Current Academic Position


ŸNov. 2018-Present  Associate Professor. School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics


ŸJun. 2014-Oct. 2018 Lecturer. School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics




ŸFinance (Undergraduate), Central Bank (Undergraduate)    



ŸSep. 2007- Jun.2012  


Ph.D. in Economics, School of Economics, Peking University  Supervisor: Prof. Qingyun Li, Prof. Yiming Wang  


ŸSep. 2001- Jun.2005  


B.A. in Economics, School of Economics, Nankai University                                        


Previous Academic/working Experience


ŸJun.2012-May. 2014 Postdoc, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University        


Supervisor: Prof. Liutang Gong

Published Papers    


ŸSong, Jun and Yan, Lili, “Research on the Impact of Formal Finance and Informal Finance on Income Inequality”, Development Finance Research (in Chinese), 2020(2)  


ŸPeng, Yuchao; Yan, Lili and Fang, Yi, “Economic Growth Lower Bound and Non-linear Fiscal Policy: Based on a DSGE Model with Occasional Binding Constraint”, China Economic Quarterly (in Chinese), 2020(1)  


ŸYan, Lili and Lixue Wu, “Input-output Structure, Industrial Heterogeneity and China’s Economic Fluctuations”, Journal of World Economy (in Chinese), 2017(8).    


ŸLi, Huajiao; Fang, Wei; An, Haizhong; Gao, Xiangyun and Yan, Lili. “Holding-Based Network of Nations Based on Listed Energy Companies: An Empirical Study on Two-Mode Affiliation Network of Two Sets of Actors”, Physica a Statistical Mechanics & its Applications, 2016, pp. 224-232.  


ŸLi, Huajiao; An, Haizhong; Fang, Wei; Wang, Yue; Zhong, Weiqiong and Yan, Lili. “Global Energy Investment Structure From the Energy Stock Market Perspective Based On a Heterogeneous Complex Network Model”, Applied Energy, 2016.  


ŸPeng, Yuchao and Yan, Lili. “The Impact of Discriminatory Credit Constraints on Macroeconomy: An Estimated Banking DSGE Model with Endogenous Loan-to-Value Ratios”, Social Science Electronic Publishing, 2015.  


ŸLi, Huajiao; Fang, Wei; An, Haizhong and Yan, LiLi. "The Shareholding Similarity of the Shareholders of the Worldwide Listed Energy Companies Based On a Two-Mode Primitive Network and a One-Mode Derivative Holding-Based Network", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 415: 525-532.    


ŸYan, Lili and Yiming Wang, “Inflation Dynamics and its Driving Factors in China: From the Open Dual Economy Perspective”, Journal of Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice (in Chinese), 2014(5).  


ŸYan, Lili, Chuan Wang and Yiming Wang, “China’s Economic Fluctuations and the Optimal Holdings of Foreign Bonds”, Journal of Financial Research (in Chinese), 2014(3).  


ŸYan, Lili and Fangxiu Song, “RMB Cross-Border Trade Settlement, Policy Efficiency and Welfare Analysis”, Journal of Economic Science (in Chinese), 2013(5):62-75.


ŸYan, Lili and Yiming Wang, “Financial Development, Financial Market Shocks and Economic Fluctuations - Analysis Based on a DSGE Model”, Journal of Financial Research (in Chinese), 2012(12):82-95.


ŸYan, Lili, “Financial Intermediary Efficiency and the Effect of Monetary Policy - Analysis Based on a DSGE Model”, Journal of Studies of International Finance (in Chinese), 2012(6):4-11.


ŸXing, Tiancai, Jin Sun and Lili Yan, “The Impact of Business Cycle Strategies on Profitability of Commercial Banks”, Journal of Studies of International Finance (in Chinese), 2013(5):88-96.


ŸLiu Peng and Lili Yan, “Technology Shock, Financial Efficiency and Economic Fluctuation”, Journal of Studies of International Finance (in Chinese), 2012(3):69-76.


ŸYan, Lili, Peng Liu and Wenxin Liu, “Technology Shock, Financial Efficiency and Economic Fluctuation”, Journal of Commercial Research (in Chinese), 2012(6):104-110.


ŸYan, Lili and Peng Liu, “Analysis of the Ineffectiveness of China’s Monetary Policy”, Journal of Commercial Times (in Chinese), 2012(16):51-52. Reprinted by Journal ofReview of Economic Research (in Chinese), 2012(54):19.


ŸYan, Lili and Yiming Wang, “Monetary Policy, Technology Shock, Foreign Shock and Urban-Rural Differences”, presented paper(in Chinese), The 2012 CES Annual Conference.  


Published Books    


ŸWang, Yiming and Lili Yan, Risk Management - China Banking Practitioners Exam Certification Guide Book (Second Edition), Beijing: China Develop Press (in Chinese), 2008.  


Research Projects        

Ÿ2017-2019, in charge of the project “Study on the Industry Effects of Nonlinear Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy under Economic New Normal”, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Science Fund Projects.    


Ÿ2012-2014, in charge of the project “Regional Effects of Monetary Policy in China: A Multi-region DSGE approach”, funded by the China Post-doctoral Fund.  


Ÿ2014-2016, participated in the project “International Financial Discursive Power and the China’s Strategies on the Geopolitical Perspective” hosted by Assistant Prof. Xue Wen, funded by Humanities and Social Science Youth Fund of Ministry of Education.  


Ÿ2014-2016, participated in the project “Endogenous Exchange Rate Pass-through, International Shocks and the Dynamic Behavior of China’s Inflation” hosted by Wang Chuan, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Science Fund Projects.  


Ÿ2010-2012, participated in the project “Dynamic Behavior of China’s Inflation” hosted by Prof. Yiming Wang, Peking University, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.  


Ÿ2010-2012, participated in the project “Analysis of Industrial Clusters and Institutional Innovation of Small& Medium Enterprises Financing Clusters in Beijing” hosted by Prof. Yiming Wang, Peking University, funded by Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science.  


Ÿ2009-2011, participated in the project “The Return and Volatility Dynamics in the Commodity Spot and Futures Markets of China with Markov Regime – Switching Models” hosted by Prof. Hua Zhao, funded by the China Post-doctoral Fund.  



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