Huang Zhigang, Ph.D. in economics, Professor, School of finance in the Central University of Finance and Economics. His research interests include monetary economics, open economy macroeconomics, international finance. His doctoral dissertation was awarded "2012 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation" by the Ministry of Education. He was named "2017 China Youth economist" by Yicai | China Real Estate Finance. He teaches courses such as finance, financial theory and policy, Advanced Macroeconomics, etc.
Ph.D. in Economics, China Center for Economic Research, National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, China, Jul 2010.
B.A. in Economics, School of Economics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, Jul 2004.
B.S. in Thermal and Dynamics Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, Jul 2004.
Research Area/Interests
Monetary Economics, Open Economy Macroeconomics, International Finance.
Published Papers
Huang, Zhigang, Guofang Liu, “Open Market Operations, Interest Rate Corridors and the Inter-bank Offered Rate”, Journal of Finance and Economics, 2019, Vol. 7 ,pp. 31-44.
Peng, Yuchao, Zhigang Huang, “ The Cause and Rectification of Economic ‘Shifting from Real to Fictitious’: Understanding Institutional Reform in the Financial Sector Based on the 19th CPC National Congress Report”, Journal of World Economy (in Chinese), 2018, Vol.9, pp.1-23.
Huang, Changli, Zhigang Huang, “Money Demand for Open Economics in China using ARDL”, China Economic Quarterly (in Chinese), 2017, Vol.17, No.1, pp.73-102.
Huang, Zhigang, Wei Xu, “Housing Market Fluctuation and the Effectiveness of Macroeconomic Management”, Economic Research Journal, 2017, Vol.5, pp.103-116.
Huang, Zhigang, Guixia Guo, “Order of Capital Account Openness and Interest Rate Liberalization: A Perspective of Macroeconomic Stability”, Journal of World Economy (in Chinese), 2016, Vol.9, pp.3-27.
Huang, Zhigang, Liuyu Zhen, “Does the decrease of China’s Current Account is Periodical?” Journal of International Studies (in Chinese), 2013, Vol.7, pp.59-67.
Huang, Zhigang, “Monetary Policy, Excess Reserves and Money Multiplier: A Perspective of Searching and Matching in Credit Markets,” China Economic Quarterly (in Chinese), 2012, Vol.11, No.3, pp.909-942.
Liu, Jiangtao, Bo Zhang and Zhigang Huang, “Restriction Purchase and Dynamics of House Price,” Economics Perspectives (in Chinese), 2012(3), pp. 47-54.
Huang, Zhigang, “Monetary Policy and Trade Imbalance Adjustment,” Economic Research Journal (in Chinese), 2011(3), pp. 32-47.
Huang, Zhigang, “Capital Flow, Monetary Policy and Inflation Dynamics,” China Economic Quarterly (in Chinese), 2010, Vol.9 No.4, pp.1331-1358.
Huang, Zhigang, “Monetary Policy and Trade Imbalance Adjustment,” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (in English), 2010, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 269-292.
Huang, Zhigang, “The Mechanism of Imbalance Adjustment of Prices: A New-Keynesian Perspective,” South China Journal of Economics (in Chinese), 2010(4), Vol.247, pp. 52-64.
Huang, Zhigang, “Exchange Rate Pass-Through in a Processing Trade Economy — A DSGE Approach,” Journal of Financial Research (in Chinese), 2009(11), Vol.353, pp.32-48.
Huang, Zhigang, “FDI, Trade Surplus and Exchange Rate,” Journal of World Economy (in Chinese), 2009(4), Vol.368, pp. 3-14.
Huang, Zhigang, “Credit Market Imperfections, Investment Inefficiency, and Credit Traps,” Nankai Economic Studies (in Chinese), 2009(3), Vol.147, pp.3-24.
Honors & Awards
Nov 2017, China Young Economist in 2017.
May 2013, Excellent Finance Doctor of Chao Fengqi Financial Development Fund in Peking University.
Aug 2012, Excellent National Doctoral Dissertation.
Mar 2010, Best Paper Award in the National Doctoral Conference (Quantitative Economics).
Sep 2009, Best Paper Award in the National Doctoral Conference (Finance Forum).
Mar 2009, Best Paper Award in the Graduates Forum of International Finance in Honor of Chen Biaoru.