Dean, Graduate School
Professor of Finance, School of Finance
Director, China Asset Management Academy
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.
E-mail: zhangxueyong@cufe.edu.cn
Tel: 8610-62288132
2007 Ph.D. in International Economics, School of Economics, Zhejiang University
2003 M.A. in Industrial Economics, School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology
1999 B.A. in Material Engineering, School of Material, Wuhan University of Technology
2019- , Deputy Dean, Graduate School, Central University of Finance and Economics
2016-2019, Deputy Dean, Graduate School, Central University of Finance and Economics
2013-2016, Deputy Dean, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics
2015-, Professor, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics
2010-2015, Associate Professor, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics
2009-2010, Assistant Professor, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics
2007-2009, Post-doctoral, Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Fintech and Alternative Data in Finance
Empirical Asset Pricing
Venture Capita and Private Equity
Mutual Funds & Hedge Funds
Mergers and Acquisitions
Corporate Finance
Research Projects
2019- , Regulation of Venture Capital and the Construction of System Environment under the Strategy of Innovation-driven Development, financed by National Social Science Foundation of China (19ZDA098)
2017- , The Mechanisms, Paths and Effectiveness of Venture Capital to Chinese Firms' Growth, financed by National Natural Science Foundation of China
2015-2016, Investment and Financing Plan of Hainan Province for the13th Five-Year Plan, financed by Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission
2011-2013, Value and Market of Control Right of China’s Listed Firms after Split-share Reform, financed by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2009-2010, Control Rights of China’s Listed Firms and Related Issues in New Age, financed by Research Foundation of Construction Key Courses under 211 Project 3rd. School of Finance, CUFE.
2008-2009, The Value of Control Rights and Selfish Behaviors of Controllers of China's Public Listed Corporations after Split-share Reform, financed by Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
Venture Capital, Patent Growth, and the Long-run Performance of IPO Stocks, International Review of Economics and Finance, accepted, (With Yeqing Zhang)
De-politicization and Innovation: Evidence from China, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2019 (With Xiuting Qing)
Pre-IPO Growth, Venture Capital, and the Long-run Performance of IPOs, Economic Modelling, 2019 (With Jiangjing Que)
Return Predictability: Evidence from the US-China Supply Chain, Journal of Portfolio Management, 2019 (With Rui Chen, Zhennan Gao)
Mutual Fund Managers’ Prior Working Experience and Their Investment Skills, Financial Management, 2018 (With Rui CHEN, Zhennan GAO, Min ZHU)
The Role of Foreign and Domestic Venture Capital in Innovation: Evidence from China, Accounting & Finance, 2018 (With Jiangjing Que)
Mutual Fund Managers’ Timing Abilities, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2017 (With Li Liao, Yeqing Zhang)
Chinese Stock Market Return Predictability: Adaptive Complete Subset Regressions, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI), 2016 (With Rui CHEN, Keqi CHEN, Min ZHU)
Firm Headquarters Location, Ownership Structure, and Stock Return Co-movements, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014.8 (With Donghui Li, Li Liao, YuanhangLuo)
Determinants and Features of Voluntary Disclosure in Chinese Stock Markets, China Journal of Accounting Research, 2013.11(with Lili Wang, Yang Lan)
2019, Australia’s Academic Conference on Corporate Governance and Finance, 10th
2018, High-end Forum of “China Industrial Economics” on Corporate Finance
2018, FMA, held in Norway, Europe
2017, FMA, held in Boston, USA
2016.10, China Financial Annual Conference, 13rd
2010.8, China’s Economic Theory and Management Frontier Forum, Presenting paper: “Firm Location and Stock Returns-----Evidence from China”
2009.10, China's Finance and Investment Forum, 4th
2009.10, China's Financial Annual Conference, 6th
2009.10, International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Family Business, 5th
2008.10, Ultimate Control and Expropriation of Minority Shareholders: New Evidence from China, presented at the Symposium on Corporate Governance in China and India, held on Oct 24-25
2008 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA