On June 13, 2019, the ‘Summer Workshop on Fintechand Banking’ was successfully held by the School of Finance of the CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in Room 604 at the Academic Hall.Attending this seminar are Professor Emerson of Emory University, Ming XU, Editorand Associate Researcher of China Industrial Economics, Xiaofen TAN, DeputyDean of the School of Finance of CUFE, Zhigang HUANG, Assistant Dean of theSchool of Finance of CUFE, Jinyu LIU, Associate Professor of the University ofInternational Business and Economics, Shaowen LUO, Assistant Professor ofVirginia Tech, Ji SHEN, Assistant Professor of Peking University, Abongeh Tunyiand Hongjun YANG, Assistant Professors of University of Sheffield, Haoyu GAO, AssistantProfessor of the Chinese Academy of Finance and Development of CUFE, Yukun TAO,Assistant Professor at the School of Finance of CUFE, Gou QIN, Assistant Professorat the School of Finance of CUFE, Cong XIA, Assistant Professor of CUFE, YuchaoPENG, Assistant Professor at the School of Finance of CUFE. Besides, more thanten doctoral students from Nankai University and Central University of Financeand Economics attended this seminar. This seminar was hosted by Xiaofen TAN, DeputyDean of the School of Finance of the CUFE.
At the beginning of the meeting, Professor XiaofenTAN, Deputy Dean of the School of Finance CUFE, gave a speech expressing thanksfor the guests’ attending and hope that seminar could go smoothly. ThenProfessor Kaiji CHEN of Emory University gave a keynote speech entitled ‘MacroEffect of Financial Policy’. He reviewed China's major financial policies andshowed the different policy effects of China's financial policies applied inthree different stages of 1978-1997, 1998-2015 and 2016.
After the opening speech, three sub-seminars wereconducted in turn. The first one was hosted by Ming XU, the Associate Professorand Editor of China Industrial Economics. During the first session, AssistantProfessor Ji SHEN of Peking University presented a paper named‘Bridge Loan, Financial risk and Credit Misallocation’, Shaowen LUO,Associate Professor of Virginia Tech commented on the paper. Then, Yukun TAO,Assistant Professor of the School of Finance of CUFE, presented on the paper‘Do China Need Big Banks? The Impact of Ownership, Regulation and Heterogeneityon Scale Economies’, and Haoyu GAO, Assistant Professor of the Chinese Academyof Finance and Development of CUFE, commented on this paper.
The second sub-seminar was hosted by Yuchao PENG,Assistant Professor of the School of Finance of CUFE. During this session,Shaowen Luo, Assistant Professor of Virginia Tech, first gave a presentation onthe paper ‘Trade Credit and Bank Lending: A Two-Way Interaction and ItsMacroeconomic Effect’, which was later commented by Zhigang HUANG, AssistantDean of the School of Finance of CUFE. Then, Abongeh Tunyi, Assistant Professorof the University of Sheffield, presented the paper ‘Takeover Vulnerability andPre-emptive Real Earnings Management’, and Qin GOU, Assistant Professor of theSchool of Finance of CUFE, gave comments on this paper.
The third sub-seminar was hosted by Zhigang HUANG,Assistant Dean of the School of Finance of CUFE. During this session, JunhongYANG, Assistant Professor of the University of Sheffield, first gave apresentation on the paper ‘Does Social Capital Matter? Evidence fromPeer-to-Peer Lending’, and the paper was later commented by Jinyu LIU, AssociateProfessor of University of International Business and Economics. Then, CongXIA, Assistant Professor of CUFE gave a presentation on the paper ‘BankGeographic Diversification and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from theLending Channel’, and Ji SHEN, Assistant Professor of the Peking Universitygave his comments on this paper.
During the discussion and exchange of the paper, theparticipants fully discussed the papers, and the presenters responded to thequestions regarding their papers one by one. The seminar brought together manyacademic elites, provided good opportunities for exchanges of academic researchand collision of ideas, and also promoted the construction, development,exchange and cooperation of financial science and technology disciplines of theSchool of Finance.

Photo of Main Presenters