OnJune 23rd, 2019, the preparatory conference of China’s FinancialScience and Technology Annual Conference, initiated by the School of Finance ofCentral University of Finance and Economics, was held successfully in Room 604at the Academic Hall of South Xueyuan Road Campus. Experts and scholars frommore than 20 universities and research institutes attended the conference,including Peking University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Southeast University, University of International Business and Economics, FudanUniversity, Nankai University, Tsinghua University, Xiamen University, ShanghaiUniversity of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, ShanghaiLixin Accounting and Finance College, Capital University of Economics andBusiness, Wuhan University, Southwest University of Finance and Economics,Zhejiang University, Renmin University of China, Zhongnan University ofEconomics and Law, Zhongshan University, Central University of Finance andEconomics, Editorial Department of Economic Research Journal, andEditorial Office of Studies of International Finance. The conference waspresided over by Professor Jianjun LI, Dean of the School of Finance of theCentral University of Finance and Economics.
DeanJianjun LI delivered a speech on behalf of the initiator of the China’sFinancial Science and Technology Annual Conference. He said that in recentyears, technology and finance have become increasingly integrated, and theefficiency of modern financial services has been continuously improved. Thescope and academic direction of financial technology disciplines have beenformed, and talent cultivation and scientific research have developed rapidly.At present, how to promote the disciplines construction, theoreticalinnovation, talent cultivation and academic exchanges regarding China's financialscience and technology has become an important issue of academic concern. TheSchool of Finance of the Central University of Finance and Economics attachesgreat importance to the cultivation of talents and research in financialtechnology. The school is willing to enhance cooperation with colleagues athome and abroad to jointly promote the development of financial technology.
Subsequently,Dean Jianjun LI introduced the current situation in the preparation of theChina’s Financial Science and Technology Annual Conference. Representativesfrom more than 20 universities and research institutes conducted a lively andproductive discussion and exchange of ideas regarding a series of topics of theChina’s Financial Science and Technology Annual Conference, including the name,the organizational structure and rotation system, the scale and form, thetopics of 2019, the paper selection method, and the cooperation mode withjournals.
Atthe end of the conference, the Central University of Finance and Economics andPeking University proposed an initiative to jointly sign the China’s FinancialScience and Technology Annual Conference Proposal with 17 universities includingRenmin University of China. Facing both domestic and international financialscience and technology academia, the China’s Financial Science and TechnologyAnnual Conference strives to create an international, open academic exchangeplatform and a sharing platform for entrepreneurship and employment offinancial technology talents.

Photoof Participants