From 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. on June 2, 2018, the Global Financial Governance Series RoundTable Conferences (the fifth session), sponsored by the Center for InternationalFinance Studies of the Central University of Financeand Economics, was successfully held in ConferenceRoom 913 of the School of Finance. Professor Liqing ZHANG, Director of theCenter hosted the meeting. Conference participants included Professor XiangyangLI, Dean of National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences, Yansheng ZHANG, Chief Researcher of China International Centerfor Economic and Technical Exchanges, Professor Jiadong TONG, FormerVice-President of Nankai University, Professor Da LEI from School of Economics,Renmin University of China, Researcher Jie SUN from Institute of WorldEconomics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Researcher WeidongCHEN,Director of Instituteof International Finance, Bank of China, etc. Professor Xiaofen TAN, AssociateProfessor Zhigang HUANG, Associate Professor Jin SUN and Assistant ProfessorLili YAN, as well as some postgraduates and doctoral students attended theconference.
Professor Liqing ZHANG made a brief summary. He pointed out that, as experts have saidthe trade dispute between China and the United States is not a common frictioncaused by trade imbalance, but involves the competition between rising powersand established powers, even potential conflicts in the ideological sphere. Wemust be prepared to fight a protracted war, but at the same time we should tryto avoid the conflict expanding and escalating too quickly in a short time. Inresponse, we should try our best to use the platform of WTO to resist Americantrade protectionism and retaliate with appropriate measures. At the same time,we should continue to promote domestic reform and opening up to the world, andhelp enterprises improve their awareness of rules, so as to better promote andlead economic globalization.

UpperLeft:Xiangyang LI,Upper Middle: YanshengZHANG,Upper Right: JiadongTONG,
Lower Left: DaLEI,Lower Middle: JieSUN,Lower Right: WeidongCHEN

ProfessorLiqing ZHANG Conference Room