“2018 China Financial Technology Frontier Forum” was held in the China NationalConvention Center on June 28th. The theme of this forum is “Innovation andDevelopment of Banking Technology”, co-hosted by the Central University ofFinance and Economics and the National Youth Federation of Financial Systems, andsponsored by Bank of Lanzhou Co., Ltd., the School of Finance of the CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics and the Financial Education, with thesupport of the China Banking Association and the Payment & ClearingAssociation of China.

Conference site
At the opening ceremony of the forum, Professor Yaoqi WANG President of CUFE, HuapingKANG, the head of the Financial Work Committee of the Communist Youth LeagueCentral Committee and Vice-President of the National Youth Federation ofFinancial Systems, Runzhong HUANG, Secretary-General of the China BankingAssociation, and Suzhen WANG, Deputy Secretary-General of the Payment &Clearing Association of China delivered speeches respectively. In her speech,Yaoqi WANG pointed out that under the impetus of information technology, thefinancial industry is undergoing revolutionary changes, and the businessphilosophy and model of the banking industry are undergoing great changes. Howto systematically understand the development of financial technology inpractice, how to strengthen technical supervision, how to prevent and controlfinancial risks are important topics worthy of discussion by all partiesconcerned. The opening ceremony of the forum was hosted by Professor Tao LI,Assistant to the President of CUFE.

Welcome Speeches
The launching ceremony of CUFE-BOLZ Fintech Lab was held at the forum. CUFE-BOLZFintech Lab is an important strategic cooperation project between CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics and Bank of Lanzhou Co., Ltd. The two sideswill build joint laboratories together to create an important platform fortalents training, academic research and practical innovation of China'sfinancial technology, and further promote the development of financialtechnology in China.

Launching Ceremony of CUFE-BOLZ Fintech Lab
The Forum includes three keynote speeches on the Theoretical Research and Applicationof Financial Technology, the Future Development Trend of Financial Technology,and Financial Technology, Regulatory Technology and Financial Discipline Construction,which are chaired by Zaozhong XING, Secretary of the Party Committee and Presidentof the “Financial News”, Professor Zuojun FAN, Vice-Presidentof Guangxi University, and Professor Jianjun LI, Dean of the School of Financeof CUFE. Experts and scholars from universities, commercial banks, enterprisesand research institutions delivered keynote speeches respectively.
Professor Guangqian WANG, Chairman of Economics Teaching Advisory Board under theMinistry of Education, former President of CUFE, Vice-President Yu ZHENG ofJingdong Group, Ningren ZHOU, the McKinsey Global Managing Partner,Vice-President Jun JIANG of China Construction Bank Financial Technology Co.,Ltd., Vice-President Yunze LI of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,Zhongmin WANG, Academic Chairman of CWM50 and former Vice-President of NationalCouncil for Social Security Fund interpreted the current situation and futureof financial technology from the aspects of its impact on society, futuredevelopment, application, frontier and supervision.

Keynote Speeches on “Theoretical Research and Application of Financial Technology”
Bin MA, Vice-President of Tencent Group, Yudong YAO, Vice-General Manager and ChiefEconomist of Dacheng Fund, Xiaolei ZUO, Researcher of Counselors’ Office of theState Council, and Liang ZONG, Chief Researcher of Bank of China, deliveredbrilliant speeches on the Relationship between Financial Technology and EconomicDevelopment, Big Data and AI, Direct Bank, and Bank Supervision Technology, etc.

KeynoteSpeeches on “Future Development Trend of Financial Technology”
Ning WANG, chief scientist of NIE Financial Big Data Laboratory of OxfordUniversity, Yonghong WANG, Secretary of the Party Committee of Rural CreditBanks Funds Clearing Center, Zhong YANG, supervisor of CIB Fintech Co., Ltd., andWeiming LIU, general manager of Huawei EBG Financial Services Department inChina, discussed topics such as the development of big data, innovation offinancial institutions, and how to carry out digital transformation of banks indepth.

Keynote Speeches on “Financial Technology, Regulatory Technology and SubjectConstruction”
The forum also held six roundtable discussions on the Application and Practice of FinancialTechnology, the Risk and Supervision of Technological Financial Development, InformationTechnology and Inclusive Finance, the Risk and Supervision of Financial TechnologyDevelopment, the Academic Research Direction and Discipline Construction of FinancialTechnology. Experts and scholars from commercial banks, colleges and universities,financial management institutions, non-bank financial institutions hadconducted in-depth discussions and communications on relevant topics.

Round Table Discussion
The forum wasattended by more than 400 people including experts and scholars from Industrialand Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of China,Agricultural Bank of China, Postal Savings Bank of China, Bank of Lanzhou,WeBank, XW Bank, financial technology benchmarking enterprises such as Tencent,Jingdong, Huawei, CCB Fintech and CIB Fintech, research institutes likeMcKinsey and Financial Big Data Research Laboratory, University of Oxford,Renmin University of China, Nankai University, Xiamen University, LanzhouUniversity, Guangxi University, University of International Business andEconomics and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, as well asteachers and students of CUFE.