On 10thJuly, Vice Dean of the School of Finance Professor Xiaofen TAN and InternationalAffairs Officer Ms. Ying ZHANG met with Professor Bin GU, Vice Dean of WP CareySchool of Business of Arizona State University in conference Room 913. ProfessorTAN first introduced the basic situation of the School of Finance, including the history of cultivatingtalents, the advantages of the discipline, and the development of the programsin the level of undergraduate, postgraduate and the doctoral as well as thedevelopment of cooperation projects at home and abroad. Professor GU introducedthe basic situation of Arizona State University and expressed his interest andintention to cooperate with the School of Finance. The two sides then conductedin-depth discussions on the direction of cooperation and exchanged views.

About Arizona State University
OnFeb. 8, 1886 — almost 30 years before Arizona was granted statehood — theTerritorial Normal School, Arizona’s first higher education institution, openedits doors to 33 students in a four-classroom building in Tempe. From thebeginning, and through a series of name changes that led to a 1958 vote of thepeople and a 2-to-1 margin of victory for the advancement of Arizona StateCollege to Arizona State University, ASU’s century-plus trajectory has led toits being recognized as the “most innovative” university in the country by U.S.News & World Report — four years in a row. The history of Arizona StateUniversity is rich, bold and vibrant. It reflects an honored tradition ofexcellence and inclusion while also celebrating the growth and developmentforged to meet – and make – the future.
Forthe fourth straight year, U.S. News & World Report ranks ASU No. 1 on its“Most Innovative Schools” list, ahead of Stanford and MIT. ASU again topped thelist based on a survey of peers: College presidents, provosts and admissionsdeans around the country nominated up to 10 colleges or universities that aremaking the most innovative improvements.
ASUis in the top 1 percent of the world's most prestigious universities as rankedby Times Higher Education in the only global performance tables that measureresearch-intensive universities across core missions: teaching, research,knowledge transfer and international outlook.
TimesHigher Education ranks ASU among the world's top 100 universities for researchand teaching, the only Arizona school on the global accounting. THE’s WorldReputation Rankings is based on a survey of leading scholars and recognizes ASUas a "New American University" prototype.
TheShanghai Ranking, one of the most prestigious annual rankings of internationalresearch universities, lists the ASU W. P. Carey School of Business managementdegree program among the top 10 in the world, based on a global survey of morethan 500 top universities in 52 subject areas.
ASUis among the top 150 universities in the world and top 60 in the United States,according to the Center for World University Rankings. The list ranks the top1,000 higher education institutions worldwide — out of more than 18,000 — andis considered one of the most prestigious world university distinctions.