Vice professor of our school, Li Junfeng and Kong Depeng cooperated to create an essay entitled , which was published in the 6th issue of in 2012.
In the 4th report of IPCC established in 1988, a theory had been brought up that to decrease the influence of global warming, control of Greenhouse Gas must be taken as soon as possible, setting the alarm of economic development, illustrating and boosting the establishment of economic growth policy to adapt to and relieve the climate change. As became the international convention in 2005, each country has gradually decreased the discharge of carbon. From the perspective of building low-carbon economy, the birth of international carbon-finance system is the most outstanding development, with the slogan of “Based on the control of carbon, core of carbon transaction, accomplished with carbon service and goal of carbon currency”. With the fast economic development of China, Greenhouse Gas is soaring. It’s anticipated that till year 2025, the discharge of carbon dioxide of China may exceed that of the U.S., becoming the largest in the world. While as one signatory country of , the reduction of energy and discharge of China still has a long way to go. The energy-consumption structure of China focuses on coal and the economic growth depends on the second industry too much, leading to the low efficiency of energy of our country. China must diversify the energy-consuming structure, increase the efficiency to meet the needs of sustainable development. Meanwhile, in consideration of the imbalance of development of different in China and different characteristics of development, finding suitable ways for different regions to reduce consumption is consistent with Scientific Development Concept.
The paper uses multiple linear regression model and simple panel data model to discuss the relationship between the industry structure, ultimate consumption, formation of capital, degree of opening the market, technical factors and the discharge of carbon in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei during 1990 to 2008, quantifying the contribution rate of each aspect and offering policy advice respectively.
The results of the paper show that energy-saving and emission-reduction becomes more difficult, owing to the introducing of foreign capital, enlargement of urbanization, the critical phase of optimizing and upgrading the industry structure and the over-proportion of the second industry. For present policies, our emphasis and innovative part would be the control of fixed assets, pushing the reforming and opening, promoting the comprehensively effective usage of two markets, increasing the quality of people’s life, pushing heavily the optimizing and upgrading of industry, adjusting the structure of economic development and transform people’s lifestyles.
From the data, the upgrading of manufacturing as well as the production and supplication of electricity, coal gas and water must pay special attention to the efficiency of the energy-transforming. From the result, the introducing of foreign capital in Beijing hasn’t carried out the energy-saving and emission-reduction, while the increase of this part of government expenditure, the advance of per capita GDP and the raise of logistics in the third industry do restrain the emission of carbon and eliminate it to some extent. In Hebei, the advance in per capita GDP and increase of investment in fixed assets restrain the emission of carbon effectively, while the development of the second and the third industries is hard to be consistent with the low emission of carbon. Urbanization may contribute the most for the situation of economic development and structure of Hebei. Tianjin is especial. Specifically owing to the development of Binhai New Area and some related factors, the contribution of urbanization to carbon emission is extensive, covering other factors to some extent. From the panel data, the factors restraining the emission of carbon include the building of fixed assets, the ratio of export to import, the raise of per capita GDP and the development of the third industry. The enlargement of urbanization, introducing of foreign capital and the high output of the second industry all have positive relationship with the emission of carbon, while urbanization is the most obvious.
We can see from the above that policy making should pay special attention to that different cities ought to carry out energy-saving and emission-reduction according to the circumstances. The different phases and quality of development, various resources and complex inner structures all require that different cities should set their own functions of goals instead of pursuing all kinds of economic indexes in the future of energy-saving, emission-reduction and low-carbon life.
At present, the uncertainty of global economic development may be the chance for new economic development for a long time, the building of low carbon with the symbol of intensity of emission of carbon should be according to the circumstances instead of being subjected to the same rule. Low-carbon economy reflects the adjustment and upgrading of economic structure, making the mode, quality and efficiency of economic growth compatible with each other.