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【Gou Qin】Remedy or Poison: the Impacts of China’s Outward Direct Investment on Its Exports

Published:2015-12-31  Views:

“China & World Economy” pa, volume 23, 2015 published Qin Gou and her collaborators xiao-guang liu, Lu Feng co-authored articles "Remedy or blow: the Impacts of China's Outward Direct Investment on Its Exports".

This paper, by using ODI and import and export panel data between China and the other 174 countries in 2003-2012, and based on the trade gravity model, they analysis Chinese ODI effects on trade. Empirical study found that China's ODI on the host country can significantly promote the trade between China and the country: the ODI stock increased by 10% can promote the next issue of its export growth of 2.14%, import growth of 2.14%, net export growth of 2.87%. Preliminary estimates show that from 2003 to 2012, the Chinese ODI stock average annual growth of about 34.0%, promoting export, import and net exports grew by an average of about 7.5%, 7.2% and 9.3%, the average annual increase is about 638.93 billion yuan, 523.52 billion yuan and 115.41 billion yuan. In addition, this paper found that the host country's economy and infrastructure level and other factors also significantly increase the export of Chinese, while on the factors such as the distance with China is significantly reduced the export of Chinese.

This article research results reveal the relationship between Chinese ODI and foreign trade, having a certain reference significance for the specific implementation of the strategy of "going out".

上一条:【Tan Xiaofen】Based on the oil price fluctuations of decomposition of the international oil price shock impact on China's industry: 1998-2015 下一条:【Tan Xiaofen】Based on the oil price fluctuations of decomposition of the international oil price shock impact on China's industry: 1998-2015
