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280th Biweekly Academic Forum

Published:2019-05-13  Views:


Topic:Effectsof Language on Economics and Finance


Speaker:Donald Lien, Professor of Texas State University, Former Assistant to the Presidentof University of Texas at San Antonio, Director of Center for East AsianStudies, Project Manager of Liu's Fund, Shangjian LIU distinguished chiefprofessor of business, acquired PhD in economics at California Institute ofTechnology, and served as visiting professor or lecture professor in NationalUniversity of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ManagementUniversity, University of Victoria, University of Reading, University ofMissouri - Kansas City etc. He has prominent research findings in many areassuch as derivatives, risk management, personal financing, econometrics andextremum statistics, and he published almost two hundred and seventy papers onmajor international journals. And now, he serves as Editor of several economicand financial magazines. According to Australia SIRCA, Prof. Donald Lien rankedthe first in the world in terms of weights of the amount of articles publishedin 19 major international financial journals in 2001-2005.


Time: 10:00-11:30,Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Venue:Room 913, Main Building in City Campus of CUFE


Moderator:Yuchao PENG, Assistant Professor of School of Finance at CUFE

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