Contact Information:
School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, Shahe Advanced Education Park, Changping District, Beijing, 102206
Email: feifei.zhu@cufe.edu.cn
Current Academic Position:
2020.8 – Present: Assistant Professor, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics
Education Background:
2015.9-2020.7 Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Ph.D in Finance (with distinction)
2018.9-2019.9 Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Visiting Scholar
2012.9-2015.1 Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, M.S. in Finance (with distinction)
2008.9-2012.7 Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, B.S. in Finance (with distinction)
Published Papers:
“Shadow Banking Shadowed in Banks’ Balance-Sheet”, with Jing Chen, Zihao Chen, Huixuan Li, Accounting and Finance, 2019, Vol., 5, pp. 2879-2903.
“Earnings Announcements, Analyst Recommendations, and spurious herding”, with Huixuan Li, Ya Tang and Hongtai Li, China Economic Quarterly, 2019, Vol., 3, pp. 919-940. (in Chinese)
“Determinants and Pricing Effects of Short-term Herd Behavior: An Empirical Test Based on High Frequency Data”, with Huixuan Li, Jianguo Xu, and Hongtai Li, Journal of Financial Research, 2019, Vol., 7, pp.191-206. (in Chinese)
“The Study of Convertible Bonds' Call Policy of China's Listed Companies”, with Yongdong Shi and Yinfen Wu, Journal of Financial Research, Vol., 7, pp. 171-188. (in Chinese)
“A Measurement Model of Herd Behaviour Based on High Frequency Data”, with Ya Tang, Jianguo Xu, and Hongtai Li, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2019, Vol., 8, pp.129-146. (in Chinese)
“The Study of Land Pricing: Optimal Development Strategy” with Kai Zhu and Yunhong Yang, 2017, Economic Science, Vol.,5, pp.65-77. (in Chinese)
“Governance Environment, Pyramid Structure and Corporate Performance”, with Hongxian Zhen and Guotai Chi, 2017, Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, Vol., 8, pp. 1963-1972. (in Chinese)
“Regulation Arbitrage in China's Asset Management Market”, with Ya Tang and Jianguo Xu, 2017, China Finance, Vol., 13, pp. 58-60. (in Chinese)
“An Analysis of Changing Labor Productivity in Japan”, with Zheng Wang and Ya Tang, 2016, China Finance, Vol., 20, pp. 50-52. (in Chinese)
Academic Services:
Junior Research Fellow, China’s Wealth Management 50 Forum
Anonymous reviewer of Journal of Financial Research, China Economic Quarterly, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics.
Research Fellow, XS Digital Economy Lab