Contact Information
School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, 39 College South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100081
Phone: +8610 62289466
Email: wangchanist@126.com
Research Fields
Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Macroeconomics
Academic Position
Jun. 2017-Present Assistant Professor. School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics
Courses Taught
Finance (Undergraduate), Introduction to Internet Finance (Undergraduate), Financial Derivatives(International PhD Students), Recursive Macroeconomic Theory, Growth Theory, Asset Pricing for Dynamic Economies, Foundations of International Macroeconomics, Stochastic Processes, Microeconomic Theory, Advanced International Trade.
Jun.2014- May. 2017
Postdoc, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Supervisor: Prof. Liutang Gong
Sep. 2008- Jun.2013
Ph.D. in Economics, China Economics Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics Supervisor: Prof. Heng-fu Zou
Sep. 2000- Jun.2002
M.A. in Economics, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology
Sep. 1994- Jun.1998
B.A. in Auditing, School of Economics and Management, Harbin University of Science and Technology
Land finance and Chinese macroeconomic fluctuations (in Chinese) (with Fuyang Zhao, Liutang Gong ) Economic Research Journal (in Chinese) 603(52):46-61 (2017).
Land-price dynamics and macroeconomic fluctuations with nonseparable preferences (with Liutang Gong, Fuyang Zhao, and Heng-fu Zou) Journal of Economic dynamics and Control 83:149-161 (2017)
Optimal exchange-rate policy in a model of local-currency pricing with vertical production and trade (with Liutang Gong and Heng-fu Zou) Open Economies Review 28: 125-147 (2017)
Optimal monetary policy with international trade in intermediate inputs (with Liutang Gong and Heng-fu Zou)
Journal of International Money and Finance 65:140-165 (2016)
Optimal monetary policy under a global dollar standard: the effect of vertical trade and production (with Heng-fu Zou) Open Economies Review 26: 121-137 (2015)
On the efficiency of monetary and fiscal policy in open economies (with Heng-fu Zou) Annals of Economics and Finance 14-1, 179-206 (2013)
Sixteenth-order method for nonlinear equations (with Xiaowu Li Chunlai Mu and Jinwen Ma) Applied Mathematics and Computation 215:3754-3758 (2010)
Working Papers
Optimal monetary policy cooperation with a world shock and dollar standard (with Xiaoyong Cui, Liutang Gong and Heng-fu Zou)
Monetary policy with international trade in durable goods (with Liutang Gong, Feng Shi, and Heng-fu Zou)
Currency misalignments, international trade in intermediate inputs and inflation targeting (with Liutang Gong, Liyuan Wu, and Heng-fu Zou)
Twin financial frictions and Chinese macroeconomic fluctuations (in Chinese) (with Fuyang Zhao, Liutang Gong )
Personal Activities
Referee: Annals of Economics and Finance, China Economic Review, Economic Research Journal (in Chinese), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Journal of Financial Research (in Chinese), International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Open Economies Review, World Development,
Honors, Scholarships, and Awards
National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of P.R. China, 2012.