On the morning of March 15th, Deputy DirectorHongbing LI of the International Cooperation Department of CUFE, AssociateProfessor Rui CHEN, Assistant to the Dean of the School of Finance at CUFE, andInternational Affairs Officer Ying ZHANG met with Director Shu CHEN ofInternational Department of Singapore Management University in Conference Room916. The meeting mainly exchanged the basic information of cooperation projectsthe two schools have been discussing at present, and further discussed thepotential cooperation opportunities and other matters. Both sides fullyexchanged views and made positive progress.

Group Photo
(Middle:Director Shu CHEN of International Department of SingaporeManagement University, Right: Deputy Director Hongbing LI of the InternationalCooperation Department, Left:RuiCHEN, Assistant to the Dean of the School of Finance)
School Profile: Established in 2000,Singapore Management University is the third public universityinvested by the Singapore government and the top financial and EconomicUniversity in Asia. SMU cooperates with the Wharton School of the University ofPennsylvania, the top university in the United States, to run a joint school,making it the only American university with the characteristics of the topAmerican universities in the Asia-Pacific region so far.SMU’s mission is to generate leading-edge research with globalimpact and produce broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for theknowledge-based economy. SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business is one of theworld's top Asian business schools and the youngest in the world to achieve"Triple Crown" accreditation of AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS. The Master ofWealth Management program has been awarded one of the top three Finance Masterprograms in the world by "Financial Times" for the thirdconsecutive year. The Applied Finance Master program ranked the fourth in Asiain 2017.