From February 25th to March 4th, 2018, Professor Jianjun LI, Dean of School ofFinance, led a delegation of three people to visit 5 schools including TIASSchool for Business and Society of Tilburg University, Tilburg School ofEconomics and Management, Cambridge Judge Business School, Wolfson College,Cambridge and School of Finance and Management at School of Oriental andAfrican Studies,University ofLondon. The delegation has conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with theseschools on talents training, teaching staffs’ exchanges, teaching and researchmanagement and international project cooperation. The other members of delegationwere Associate Professor Rui CHEN, Assistant to the Dean and InternationalAffairs Officer Ying ZHANG.
On February 26th, the delegation first visited TIAS School for Business andSociety of Tilburg University and talked with Dean Kees Koedijk, Associate DeanFrans de Roon, Associate Dean Jenke ter Horst, Chris de Neubourg, DoctoralAcademic Director of CUFE-TIAS Project, and Dr. Qiqi ZHOU, Director of AsianProjects. In the afternoon, the delegation met with Dean Kees Koedijk of TIASSchool for Business and Society, and Dr. Qiqi ZHOU. The meeting mainlydiscussed the fields and directions of future cooperation between the two schools,the special issue of “Journal of International Monetary and Finance” andthe details of Professor Kees Koedijk as a visiting professor at CUFE.

Meeting with TIAS School for Business and Society
On February 27th, the delegation visited the Tilburg School of Economics andManagement and had a conversation with Professor Lex Meijdam, Dean of theTilburg School of Economics and Management, Professor Niels G. Noorderhaven,Vice Dean of International Affairs, Ms. Linda van der Tuijn, Policy Adviser ofthe International Office and Project Manager. The meeting mainly discussed the implementationof the memo signed by the two schools on students’ exchanges and teachingstaffs’ exchanges, joint development of international cooperation projects andinvitation to their teachers to visit CUFE.

Meeting with School of Economics and Management
On March 1st, the delegation visited the Cambridge Judge BusinessSchool and talked with Professor Xiaoguang QI, who is also a professor at WolfsonCollege. The meeting mainly discussed the issues related to the undergraduatesummer program co-operated by the two schools, as well as how to select outstandingteachers and students from CUFE to visit Cambridge.

MeetingwithJudgeBusiness School
On March 2nd, the delegation visited the School of Finance andManagement at School of Oriental and African Studies University of London and hada meeting with Stephen Hopgood, Vice-President of SOAS University of London incharge of International Affairs, Reinhard Bachmann, Dean of School of Financeand Management, and Meng XIE, Researcher of the International Finance Centre. Themain content of the meeting was to discuss the cooperation projects in thelevel of the undergraduate and master between the two schools, as well as therelated details of the “China-UK Trust Development Conference- Trust inFinancial Service: Challenges and Solutions” held at CUFE in 2018.

Meeting with School of Oriental and African Studies University of London
The sevisits reached a number of consensuses and deepened exchanges and understandingwith cooperation schools. At mean time it enhanced our overall understanding ofthe University Education in Netherlands and British, derived the experience of students’cultivations, and broadened the channels and platforms of internationalcooperation. Theses visits were of great significance for the School of Financeof CUFE to comprehensively promote the construction of “Double-First Class”disciplines.