On October 28, 2018, Seminar on Economic Effects of “the Belt and Road” FinancialCooperation (2018) and “the Belt and Road” Financial Risk Research Report ReleaseConference were held successfully in Central University of Finance andEconomics. The conference was co-sponsored by the editorial department ofEconomic Research Journal, the School of Finance of Central University ofFinance and Economics, the School of Economics of Xiamen University, the Schoolof Economics of Lanzhou University and China-ASEAN Information Harbor Instituteof Big Data Research of Guangxi University and organized by the Belt & RoadFinance Institute of Central University of Finance and Economics. Theconference was attended by experts and scholars from more than 20 universitiesand research institutes including Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Renmin University of China,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Central University of Finance andEconomics,Sun Yat-senUniversity,LanzhouUniversity,South ChinaUniversity of Technology,HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology,ShanghaiUniversity of Finance and Economics,GuangxiUniversity,HenanUniversity,ZhongnanUniversity of Economics and Law,ShandongUniversity of Finance and Economics,ZhejiangUniversity of Finance & Economics,ZhejiangGongshang University,NanjingAudit University,QingdaoUniversity and Institute of International Finance, Bank of China.Participants held in-depth discussionson the theme of “Economic Effects of 'the Belt and Road' Financial Cooperation”.At the same time, the conference published the latest research results of the Belt& Road Finance Institute of Central University of Finance and Economics---“theBelt and Road” Financial Risk Research Report.
Jianping SHI, Vice President of Central University of Finance and Economics
Xiahui LIU, Director of Editorial Department and Executive Vice-Editor of EconomicResearch Journal
The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Jianjun LI, Dean of School of Financeof CUFE. Professor Jianping SHI, Vice-President of CUFE, and Researcher XiahuiLIU, Director of Editorial Department and Executive Vice-Editor ofEconomic Research Journal deliveredspeeches at the opening ceremony.

Professor Jianjun LI, Dean of School of Finance of CUFE
Professor Zuojun FAN, Vice President of Guangxi University, hosted the keynote speeches.Professor Hailiang GU, Deputy Director of Social Sciences Commission of theMinistry of Education, Researcher Ping ZHANG from Institute of Economic ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences and Professor Guangqian WANG, Director of Higher EducationEconomics Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education, delivered keynotespeeches respectively, entitled “Political Economy Understanding of‘the Belt and Road’”, “‘The Belt andRoad’ Regional Economic Cooperation and Exploration of Optimal Currency Areas”,and “The Construction of ‘the Belt and Road’ is a New Driving Force for WorldEconomic Growth”.

Keynote speech by Professor Hailiang GU: Political Economy Understanding of “the Belt and Road”

Keynote speech by Researcher Ping ZHANG: “The Belt and Road” Regional Economic Cooperation and Exploration ofOptimal Currency Areas

Keynotespeech by Professor Guangqian WANG: The construction of “the Belt and Road” isa New Driving Force for World Economic Growth

Professor Zuojun FAN, Vice-President of Guangxi University, hosted the keynote speeches.
AssociateProfessor Zhigang HUANG, Assistant to the Dean of School of Finance of CUFE, hostedthe “The Belt and Road” Financial Risk Research Report Release Conference. Dr. YuchaoPENG, Executive Director oftheBelt & Road Finance Institute of CUFE, introduced the main contents andinnovations of “'The Belt and Road' Financial Risk Research Report”. The reportmakes a multi angle and comprehensive analysis of the theory, policy andpractice of financial risks in the “the Belt and Road” countries, including theeconomic and financial development of the “the Belt and Road” countries, andthe systematic risk measurement method and results of the banking in the “theBelt and Road” countries and the relationship between “the Belt and Road”initiative and RMB internationalization.

Associate professor Zhigang HUANG hosted the “The Belt and Road” Financial Risk ResearchReport Release Conference

Dr.Yuchao PENG, Executive Director of the Belt & Road Finance Institute of CUFE
Professor Xiaofen TAN, Vice-Dean of School of Finance at Central University of Financeand Economics, chaired the round table. Professor Jianping DING, Director ofResearch Center for Modern Finance of Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, Professor Hongfeng PENG, Dean of School of Finance at Shandong Universityof Finance and Economics, Professor Yonghong TU, Vice-Dean of InternationalMonetary Institute atRenminUniversity of China, Professor Xiaowen WANG, Vice-Dean of School of Economicsat Lanzhou University, and other experts made brilliant speeches on the issueof “the Belt and Road” financial cooperation and global governance.

Professor Jianping DING, Director of Research Center for Modern Finance, ShanghaiUniversity of Finance and Economics

Professor Hongfeng PENG, Dean of School of Finance at Shandong University of Finance andEconomics

ProfessorYonghong TU, Vice-Dean of International Monetary Institute at Renmin Universityof China

Professor Xiaowen WANG, Vice-Dean of School of Economics at Lanzhou University,

Professor Xiaofen TAN, Vice-Dean of School of Finance at CUFE

Participants speaking in Parallel Forums
The success of this seminar is of great significance for promoting the relatedacademic research on “the Belt and Road”, and promoting the construction ofthe Belt & Road Finance Institute ofCUFE also known as the Research Center for Asian Infrastructure Investment Bankin the records of The Ministry of Education.

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