From 14:00 to15:20, on March 23, Associate Professor Junfeng LI, Assistant to the Dean ofthe School of Finance, Ms. Dan HUANG and Ms. Bingru LIU from the International Departmentmet with Professor Teerooven Soobaroyen from the Business School of Universityof Essex and Ms. Joanna, Director of Admissions in China of the University ofEssex at the meeting room 913 of School of Finance. Associate Professor JunfengLI first introduced the basic situation of School of Finance and the history,characteristics and advantages of its international project. Then Professor TeeroovenSoobaroyen introduced the basic situation of the University of Essex and theexperience of running international projects; meanwhile he expressed hiswillingness and intention to cooperate with the School of Finance oninternational undergraduate cultivating projects. The two sides conductedin-depth and meticulous exchanges on issues related to cooperation ofinternational undergraduate cultivating project and reached a high level ofconsensus.

From right to left: Ms. Joanna, Professor Teerooven Soobaroyen,Associate Professor Junfeng LI, Ms.Dan HUANG, Ms. Bingru LIU
The Universityof Essex is a prestigious research university in the UK. It is a member of theprestigious 1994 University Group and a world-class university. It was foundedin 1964 and has a high academic research reputation. Since the school wasfounded, three Nobel Prize winners have been trained. The famous Nobel laureatein Economics, Dr. Christopher Pizarides, graduated from the University of Essex.