From March 10 to March 17, April 9 to April 12,2019, David Dickinson, Professor of Business School at University of Birminghamand Director of China Research Center, came to Shahe Campus of CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics to give lectures on Behavioral Finance topostgraduates and international students of Cohort 2018 from School of Finance.This project is supported by the "Intellectual Introduction Project ofCentral University of Finance and Economics".
During the lecture, Professor David Dickinsonexplained vividly the connotation, basic ideas, concepts and models of BehavioralFinance. In a mathematical way, David introduced the consumption-based capitalasset pricing model and behavioral finance phenomena such as overreaction andoverconfidence. Further, he used real data to analyze the bubbles caused byirrationality and interpreted the international financial crisis with theperspective of Behavioral Finance.
In recent years, it has become a trend in the fieldof financial research to use psychology to analyze individual behavior and itsmotivation, and to study and predict the development of financial markets accordingly.Students benefited a lot from attending Professor David Dickinson's lectures inbroadening their horizons and enriching their research methods.
In group presentations, Professor David Dickinsonlistened carefully to the students' empirical research in the field ofbehavioral finance, and pointed out their advantages and disadvantages, deepeningtheir understanding of behavioral finance.
After class, the students actively discussed withProfessor David Dickinson the lecture contents, the problems in presentationsas well as their research interests, and got a lot of advice and help.
On April 12th, in the warm applause of students,Professor David Dickinson's curriculum was successfully completed.

Professor David Dickinson