OnMarch 6, 2019, the Expert Forum on International Finance, organized by Centerfor International Finance Studies of the Central University of Financeand Economics,Collaborative Innovation Center for Global Finance Governance of CUFE andSchool of Finance, was held successfully in the lecture hall of thelibrary at Shahe Campus of CUFE. Mr. Liqun JIN, President of the AsiaInfrastructure Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as the AIIB) andChairman of the Board of Directors, was invited to deliver a keynote speechentitled “AIIB: China's Participation in International Multilateral AffairsConcept, Strategy and Practice”. Professor Yaoqi WANG, President of the CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics, Professor Xiaofen TAN, Professor Hui WANG,Professor Zhigang HUANG from the School of Finance, and more than 200 studentsattended the forum.
ProfessorLiqing ZHANG, the director of the Center for International FinanceStudies of CUFE, presided over the forum. He first expressed warmwelcome and heartfelt thanks to President Liqun JIN for making time from hisbusy schedule to deliver a keynote speech in this forum. Professor ZHANGpointed out that in the past three years, the AIIB, which is initiated and ledby China, has achieved great success. It is not only a major innovation andsuccessful model in the field of international development financing, but avery important achievement of China's participation in global financialgovernance.
YaoqiWANG, President of the Central University of Finance and Economics, delivered awarm welcome speech on behalf of CUFE. President WANG pointed out that thesuccessful establishment and operation of the AIIB has greatly enhanced China'sinfluence and initiative in the international political and economic arena.President JIN has very rich experience in the governance of international financialinstitutions and how China can effectively participate in internationalpolitical and economic activities. At the same time, President WANG said thatit is one of the important goals of CUFE to cultivate high-end talents, such asPresident Jin, who can possess a wide international vision and excellentinternational governance capabilities.

Yaoqi WANG,President of the Central University of Finance and Economics
Inthe two-hour speech, President Liqun JIN introduced the background,significance, design concept, preparation process and successful experience ofthe AIIB in a vivid and interesting language, using a large number of realexamples. He pointed out that the AIIB is a multilateral internationalfinancial institution set up by China’s leaders who aim to seize theopportunity. China's experience and the experience of other Asian countries havefully demonstrated that in order to develop the economy, the infrastructuremust come first. As an international multilateral development agency, AIIB'smission is to support infrastructure construction in Asian countries and otherregions, and to promote reform of the international economic and financialsystem. To achieve this, the starting point and positioning of the AIIB have tobe high; meanwhile President JIN put forward the concept of Lean, Clean andGreen. The AIIB is a new type of international financial institution with 21stcentury governance structure and management standards. It has a strictanti-corruption system, vigorously promotes the development of green economy,protects and improves the environment, and will bring tangible benefits to thepeople in the project area.

President LIqun JINis Delivering the Keynote Speech.

Scene of the Forum
Afterthe speech of President JIN, the students enthusiastically spoke and askedquestions. Mr. JIN answered their questions with patience such as theemployment standards of the AIIB, the problems that AIIB may encounter in thefuture development process, how AIIBcooperates with other financial institutions, and the relationship between AIIBand the internationalization of the RMB.