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Overview of the Department of International Finance

As the predecessor of the Department of International Finance, the International Finance Teaching and Research Office in the Department of Finance was established in the early 1980s, which is one of the earliest institutions teaching international finance in China. In 2003, following the foundation of the School of Finance, the Office became the Department of International Finance. In 2018, the Party Branch of Faculty was honored as the National Model of Party Branch Culture Construction. The Department is mainly engaged in the research area including International Financial Theory and Policy, Global Macro-economy, Development and Reform of International Financial System, Global Financial Stability and Regulation. The Department also offers the following courses: international finance, international economics, international financial management, international trade practice and settlement, and foreign exchange market for undergraduates, master and PhD. Together with the Department of Finance and Department of Applied Finance, the Department jointly undertakes the education of finance major.

The Department has a remarkable and competent team led by Professor Zhang Liqing. Currently, the Department has four professors, four associate professors and one assistant professor, four of whom are PhD supervisors Among these professors there are one professor included in the National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, one recipient of the State Council’s Special Government Allowance, two Ministry of Education’s New Century Excellent Talents in University, one Teacher with Best Morals in Beijing, one Renowned University Teacher in Beijing, one Excellent Teacher in Beijing and one Excellent Finance Teacher of Liu Hongru Financial Education Foundation.

International Finance for bachelor students and the International Finance course for international students that are coordinated by Professor Zhang Liqing are rated as National Bilingual Teaching Demonstration Course and the brand course offered to foreign students in English in China. The International Finance taught by Professor Zhang Liqing and Financial Risk Management taught by the Associate Professor Gou Qin are on the MOOC platform of Chinese universities. And the graduate course Topics of International Finance taught by Professor Tan Xiaofen is available on the MOOC platform. The faculty of the Department has edited one textbook for the 11th Five-Year Plan. The teaching-reform project based on the Department has won the Second Prize for Education and Teaching Reform Achievements of the Beijing Municipality.

Based in the Department, the Center for International Finance Studies and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Global Financial Governance were established. The centers have produced abundant research results and a number of research reports with major social influence, including the Global Financial Governance Report. In recent years, the teaching staff of the Department have also led more than ten national and general research projects such as the research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and major research projects of the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, our faculty has published papers in top domestic and foreign journals, including Social Sciences in China, Economic Research Journal, the Journal of World Economy, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Empirical Finance and Journal of Futures Markets, etc. Many of the policies proposed by the teaching staff have also been approved by national leaders, ministries and commissions, or have been put into practice.

Names of current faculty of the Department:

Professors: Zhang Liqing, Zhang Biqiong, Tan Xiaofen, and Yin Libo (Department Dean)

Associate Professors: Xiao Fengjuan, Nie Lijun, Gou Qin and Wang Yaqi

Assistant Professor: Tao Kunyu